Tuesday 5 May 2015

Vodka Peppermint Shots

These Vodka peppermint shots are way to easy to make. Luckily, we had a cold snowy day to make these but they still work if you pop them in the freezer. I like cold drinks. I dislike anything at room temperature. I put the Smirnoff Vodka out in the snow for most of the afternoon. I wanted to serve the shots after 9pm. At around 5pm, I opened the bottles and poured in the vodka to the peppermint shot glasses and left them chilling outside in the snow.
The peppermint shot glasses would not get sticky if they were left in the cold or if the vodka was poured into them. I also wanted the vodka to have time to mix with the peppermint but not turn to mush or leave candy stains on your fingers.
You could use your freezer to make these vodka peppermint shots if you didn’t have snow to pop them in. Both options would work well but laying them in snow made the back patio festive for our snow party.